Saturday, February 1, 2020

Finally Feb

Welcome February! My god am I pleased to see you! Is it just me, or did January seem to go on forever and ever and ever? But, the 1st is upon us! Pay day has happened (finally), I've done a load of washing, started my novel and am ready to kick some ass!

I don't know if you guys are the same, but I feel like the whole 'New Year, New Me', 'New Years Resolutions' thing can get a bit stressful and scary. Whereas a few monthly goals seems a lot more relaxed and achievable! (And let's be honest, you change a lot over a year, so it only makes sense that your goals change as well!).

I always try to give myself 5 goals per month, just so I don't get too ever excited and put too much pressure on myself! So here are my February goals:

  1. Have a chocolate free February! -So I work in a chocolate shop and as a result have just scoffed on all the chocolatey goodness for over a year. People said I'd get sick of it... they were wrong. If anything, my tastes have just gotten more pricy, meaning I can't enjoy a simple Dairy Milk without thinking of all the sugar and how it DOES ACTUALLY COUNT AS A CHOCOLATE BAR!!! (That doesn't mean I'm going to let myself eat it over Feb though). I feel like I just need a month off to let my poor body and teeth have a break! If I can get through it, then it also means that I don't need it as much as I think I do!
  2. Write at least 2500 words of my novel. Now, writing a novel might sound a bit extreme, but it's actually 45% of a module at Uni, and I reallyyyyy enjoy it! I have started so the ideas are flowing (thank god), but if I can get to 2500 words then that means I've written half of the word count with still 2 months till the deadline! 
  3. Finish reading IT. I have literally been reading this book for over half a year and am determined to finish it! Don't get me wrong, it's not because it's a bad book (It's incredible), it's just that I never seem to have time unless I'm on holiday. But this month I'm going to make time... especially as I've binge-watched all the shows I wanted to on Netflix so now have my evenings free.
  4. Go out more. This might seem like a weird one, but I tend to just coop myself up in my room unless I need to go into town or go to work/uni. Now having a day inside is great, but when I'm just moping around, feeling sorry for myself as I have nothing to do, it gets a little silly! This month I want to get out more, even if it's just to have a little walk and take some photos. Your gal just needs some fresh air!
  5. Stick to my budgeting! If anything, this is the biggest and most important goal this month. I always spend so much time doing maths to work out how much money I can spend weekly and how much I can save, but then I'll see something I want to buy and it all goes out the window! As me and my Boyfriend are saving for a flat, there is no better time to keep a close eye on my purse strings and keep my spending down.

And there you have it!
I wish you all the loveliest of Februarys and if you've set yourself come goals, YOU GOT THIS!
Hollie xx

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